Rabu, 30 Mei 2012


     Services or service is one important part of the company. Even so important, not the few companies that provide training to employees of their front liners on a regular basis to improve services to consumers. We all have to realize that the impact on sales service is extraordinary. Even the competition with competitors on price could be won with a more satisfactory customer service. Especially in this era where the consumer has turned into an intelligent and critical consumer. Service factor makes it especially preferred.
   Influence on the sale of services can be seen from the level of sales. When the service okay, then automatically the value of sales is also okay. Companies that pay attention to customer service oriented and not only on the target will surely have more customers. So without realizing the sales target will be met without having to forget the delivery of services to its customers that is okay. In view of the customer as a person who is to be served, the services that we provide not only a company name and associated with the sale or purchase, but indirectly we have provided a convenience to our customers are.
     Basically every customer, whether it's from the bottom even though the economy tend to be served. And the services we provide will be fun to do when we do it honestly and sincerely. Remember, without customers, we are not what - what. By having a loyal customer, our efforts must be running smoothly. Due to the absence of a loyal customer, our business activities should also focus on getting customers but must remain focused on sales targets.
     Effect of service on the turnover can not be denied again. The high quality of service to the high dedication of a company to the public. Therefore, to prioritize is a must for companies who want to still exist in the increasingly fierce business competition today. Large, well-known, and cheap is not enough to be 'tied' customers remain loyal our company. However, when coupled with good service factor then there is no more reason for customers to leave us and move on to our competitors.

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