Rabu, 30 Mei 2012


     Consumer decisions to buy or not buy a product or service is an important time for marketers. This decision could mark whether a marketing strategy has been quite thoughtful, insightful, and effective, or is poorly planned or mistakenly set the target. Decision is the selection of two or more alternative choices.

       Experimental consumer research revealed that providing choice for consumers when in fact none of the options, can be the right business strategy, the strategy can increase sales in a very large number.

          There are three levels of specific consumer decision-making, namely: 
  1. Problem solving a wide variety of information consumers need to establish a useful set of criteria for assessing certain brands and a lot of relevant information about each brand to be considered.
  2. Solving the problem who limited, consumers tetal set a criteria the basic for the assess category of products and various brands of in that category.
  3. Behavior as a routine response, consumers have some experience about the product categories and a series of well-defined criteria for assessing a variety of brands they are considering.  

    Theories of consumer decision-making varies, depending on the assumptions of researchers about human nature. There are four views of consumer decision-making:
  1. View of the economy, consumers are often regarded as rational decision makers.
  2. Passive view, describing consumer as a person who is basically subject to the self serving interests of marketers and business promotion. The consumer is regarded as an impulsive buyer and irrational.
  3. Cognitive view, describing the economic outlook of consumers is between passive and extreme views, which are not (or can not) obtain absolute knowledge of all the alternative products available, and therefore can not take a perfect decision, but are actively seeking information and trying to take a satisfactory decision.
  4. Emotional outlook, took the decisions who emotional or impulsive (indulged insistence of liver).
        Models in decision making has three main components, namely:
  1. Input (input), this component has a range of external influences which act as sources of information about particular products and affect the values, attitudes and behaviors related to consumer products. The main input factors are the various activities of the marketing mix and marketing influences outside sosiobudaya.
  2. Process, these components relate to the way consumers make decisions. Consumer decision-making action consists of three stages, namely: (a) Introduction of needs, (b) research before purchase, and (c) assessment of various alternatives. Factors that can increase information search prior to purchase, namely: (a) product factors (length of time between purchases, product model changes, price changes, the number of purchases, high prices, many alternative brands, a wide range of privileges), (b) situation factors (experience, socially acceptable, considerations related to value), and (c) Factor products (consumer demographic characteristics, personality). Various issues in evaluating the alternative, namely: (a) The series of brands that are of interest, referring to specific brands that consumers consider in making a purchase in a particular product category, (b) Criteria Used to Evaluate Brand, is a series of brands that they are interested in usually expressed in terms of product attributes that are important, (c) Consumer Desicion Rules, the procedure used by consumers to facilitate the selection of brands, (d) as a Lifestyle Consumer Decision Strategies, an effect on various specific behaviors of everyday consumers. (e) Incomplete Information and Noncomparable Alternatives, in a variety of choices consumers face situations of incomplete information sebagaid Asar decisions and should use alternative strategies to address the missing elements, (e) Series of Decisions (Decisions series), in a purchases may include a number of decisions. (f) Rules of Decision Making and Marketing Strategy, an understanding of the rules of decision which will be used by consumers in choosing a particular product or service is very useful for marketers who are concerned to formulate a program of promotion, (g) Vision Consumption, a picture of the unorthodox decision-making, but it may very well be accurate in situations of lack of consumer experience and not an issue with a well structured, and in situations in which emotions overwhelmed.
  3. Output (output), this component involves two activities are closely related to post-purchase: purchase behavior and post-purchase evaluation. The purpose of these two activities is to increase customer satisfaction with their purchases.

      Gift-giving behavior is defined as the process of gift exchange that occurs between the giver and receiver. The exchange process prize is part consumer behavior who important. There are five types of gift giving and receiving gifts, namely:
  1. Gift-giving between the groups (a group to give gifts to other groups),
  2. Gift-giving between categories (an individual gives a gift to a group or a group giving a gift to an individual),
  3. Giving gift within the group (a group to give a gift to himself or kepad its members),
  4. Gift-giving between individuals (an individual gives a gift to another individual), and
  5. Granting prizes on the self its own (prize for the self own).

      Consumer behavior is not only making a purchase decision or act of buying, it also includes a variety of experiences associated with the use or consumption of various products and services. Experience using the products and services as well as feelings of pleasure which has berasaldari, collect or consume the goods and experiences to contribute to customer satisfaction and overall quality of life.

      Marketing based on the relationship becomes thus important because of consumers now this is less loyal compared past, this is caused six main strength: abundance of choice, availability of information, feelings are entitled, financial problems consumers lowering fidelity and the shortage of time (not enough time for faithful).

   Marketing based on relationship satisfaction affect consumer decisions and their consumption. Relationship marketing is based on matters related to building trust and holds the promise made by the consumer. In this case is used to develop long-term bonds with customers by making them feel special and provide a variety of special services to them.

sumber : http://kumpulan-artikel-ekonomi.blogspot.com


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